On Thursday, May 4, over 100 guests attended the Global Greek Film Initiative (GGFI) Benefit Event at the Wilshire Country Club in Los Angeles to support new and expanding programs, including the annual Los Angeles Greek Film Festival (LAGFF), and raise funds. The evening was presented by GGFI leaders Lia Bozonelis, Ersi Danou, Aris Katopodis and Director of Development Katerina Hoyo-Frederickson, and co-hosted by GGFI Trustee Theane Evangelis and GGFI supporter Jim Kousoulas. Attending GGFI Dignitaries included actress, producer, author Nia Vardalos who offered introductory remarks; former studio executive and producer Jim Gianopulos; former HBO executive, producer and director Kary Antholis; director and producer Will Speck; actors Zina Wilde and Christos Vasilopoulos; tech entrepreneur Marily Nika; animator Aliki Theofilopoulos; music composers George Kallis and Kostas Christides; talent agent Peter Kallinteris, and more. Distinguished guests included Consul General of Greece in Los Angeles Ioannis Stamatekos; Consul General of Cyprus in Los Angeles Andreas Kyprianides; Father Gary Kyriacou; longtime festival donors George and Tina Kolovos; LAGFF Board Member Alex Kalognomos; popular singer Vassy, and more.